Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Devil Phone - Indonesian Fact Mystery

EDUKATIF | After splashy with the existence of the black magic SMS , nowadays citizen Jatim get terrorized by the devil telephone. Even in Situbondo, the devil phone have a victim of a mother with her child. . Haryono ( 23) citizen of Orchard of Curah Malang Countryside, Subdistrict Asembagus, Situbondo, sudden faint then puked after accepting telephone from number 0866xxx at night Wednesday ( 14 / 5) about at 00.00 am

Previous Night, Marhati ( 45) Haryono's mother , also accept the telephone from number 0866xxx. As does Haryono, Marhati feel her arms basin electrized direct so that by refleks throw away her handphone to the floor . Because surprising, I throw away my handphone to the floor,” Mahati said to Surya, Thursday ( 15 / 5), in Asembagus hospital, Situbondo. In that hospital, Mahati await Haryono which is being taken care. A few moments after that occurence, her family report that event to the Police office.

For the investigation, police pacify the handphone of brand of Samsung and Nokia own victim as evidence goods. Besides two handphone, police bring the clothes incured by Haryono's puked , a few moments after Haryono fainting. haryono said, in the Night Wednesday, he and his sister have been sleep in the room. Sudden about at 00:00pm, his handphone is jingle. then he awaked. Because estimating that telephone from his friend, he direct lift the handphone

He confess have to see that call come from number 0866xxx and his handphone is squeezing chromatic. Haryono confess sudden his arms like electrized by high electrics

When I lift the telephone , sudden my hand like touched electrics with the high voltage,” Haryono said when met ( Ary )